terapiporketoj; kampo da mono; Ŝerca ŝtormo; simio povus pentri tion; homlakta glaciaĵo malpermesita; En somero
добавлен 22.03.11 19:28
terapiporketoj; kampo da mono; Ŝerca ŝtormo; simio povus pentri tion; homlakta glaciaĵo malpermesita; En somero
6 Minute English
добавлен 18.03.11 15:00
Alice and Stephen talk about football rivalries and hear how fans can be passionate, but sometimes get very angry when watching a football match.
6 Minute English
добавлен 11.03.11 15:00
In this programme, Stephen and Rob talk about citizen journalism, where people who aren't trained journalists report or blog their experiences.
6 Minute English
добавлен 04.03.11 15:00
In this programme, Alice and Finn talk about an amazing scientific achievement which has changed lives - a completely artificial heart.
добавлен 28.02.11 07:25
ligo inter belo kaj dormo; reenkarniĝo nur kun permeso; Esperanto estas; peruaj terpomoj konserviĝos
6 Minute English
добавлен 25.02.11 15:00
In this programme Alice and Stephen talk about sleep walking. Scientists in America have discovered that if you walk in your sleep, it could be...
6 Minute English
добавлен 18.02.11 15:00
Yvonne and Rob talk about love letters and a new exhibition in London all about soldiers and their sweethearts.
6 Minute English
добавлен 11.02.11 15:00
As people celebrate the Chinese New Year, Yvonne and Finn talk about a traditional Chinese dish which is controversial with some.
добавлен 08.02.11 08:34
lerneja mondmilito; Heidi: strabanta didelfo; finnaj lernejoj superas; Ĉapeloj; frua sunreveno; ne servos leonaĵon
6 Minute English
добавлен 04.02.11 18:00
In this programme, Alice and Finn talk about scam mail and we hear about an investigation into the problem by the Metropolitan Police in London. |
Романне курю, не злоупотребляю алкоголем, не употребляю запрещенных наркотических средств, не имею личного автотранспорта, всегда оплачиваю проезд в общественном транспорте, не использую пиратского программного обеспечения, не закрываю исходный код своих программ... в общем, без вредных привычек! =) Был на сайте:
12 года назад